Friday, May 16, 2014

Things that I want you to know but wouldn't tell you

i. I always think of you and by always, I mean every single second the moment I open my eyes in the morning until the very last minute before I drift away to slumber land. Having my mind filled with thoughts of you is like running away from the daggers and blades that the reality has been aiming me. You are my sanctuary.
ii. Missing you is my habit. Whenever I am not talking to you, I find myself reading all our previous conversations, memorizing every word, smiling with every line, making the memories fresh in my mind and after I take a trip down our history, I keep missing you more.
iii. You make me smile effortlessly. I used to be an eccedentesiast and every smile takes a lot of effort because I couldn’t feel the emotion that I should just to show a real one. Having you makes everything so easier and I found out that it is not so hard to be genuinely happy because of someone.
iv. I can’t afford to lose you. I will ask you to stay for a lot of times if I have to and even when there will be moments that you would give me reasons to go away from you, I will give you more reasons why I should do otherwise. There is just something about you that fills this empty part of me and when you’re gone, I couldn’t imagine what will happen to me.
v. I am addicted to you. You’re like a drug that I keep on craving for and every moment that I don’t have you is like a torture to myself. Whenever you are here, I feel like I have found my remedy, the only one who could cure me, the one who could take away all the dark clouds and replace it with sunshine. I don’t think I want you because the truth is I need you.

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